Elo Apoio Social e Ambiental_en

Elo Apoio Social e Ambiental

Elo is one of the largest young-apprentice
Education Program in Curitiba Brazil

  • Communication Management, branding and marketing;
  • Benchmarking;
  • Institutional adaptation to the brazilian Apprenticeship Law
    (Law No . 10.097/2000) and the Apprenticeship Law, regulated by
    Decree No. 5.598/2005, Joint Ordinance MTE 723/2012;
  • Increased the students participants (young apprentices) by 800%;
  • Growth by 700% the number of hiring companies;
  • Professional Qualification Training in Administration and Commerce;
  • Business Communication classes, Marketing, Portuguese
    Language, Research & Methodology, Poetry and Creation of
    Commercial Companies trainings.

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